Southwest Championship Wrestling – 9/24/21

From the Junction in San Antonio, Texas

Steve Stack is your announcer.

The show opens with a replay of the final moments of last week’s show. The Sheik attacks Bugsy McGraw and leaves the Brass Knucks champion a bloody mess.

Then we cut to Stack.

Stack: Fans, welcome to the most exciting hour on television, Southwest Championship Wrestling. As you saw at the top of the program, the Sheik and Bugsy McGraw have some unfinished business. They will meet in the ring tonight with the Brass Knucks title on the line. We will also see the Sheepherders and Mark Callous in action. We will start tonight’s program with a match between a pair on newly signed young talents. Let’s go to the ring.

TOMMY END def Kevin Steen @ 9 via count out after a vicious kick leaves Steen unable to answer the ref’s count.

Cut to a promo from the new American Heritage champion, Nikolai Volkoff.

Volkoff: What does this title mean? American Heritage? American Heritage is nothing but a series of imperialist culls so that a select few can consolidate their power over the workers. This belt, and its lineage, mean nothing to me, but since it seems to mean so much to you people in Texas, I will take great pleasure in using it as a tool to spread the great teachings of Comrade Marx. American Heritage? Bah!

Cut to commercial and then back to the ring.

THE SHEEPHERDERS destroy Dusty Wolfe and Sangre Azteca @ 4 when Luke forces Wolfe to submit to a camel clutch.

Then the Sheepherders, accompanied by Jonathan Boyd, storm the announcer position.

Boyd: Is this the best you bloody Yanks can do? My team barely broke a sweat!

Williams: Sweat!

Boyd: Since they’re warmed up, let’s have ANOTHER match. Any team in the back that wants to prove their mettle can come on down to the ring right now for a proper beating.

Miller: Beating!

The Sheepherders head back to the ring.

They don’t have to wait long before their challenge is answered.


Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Mad Dog Boyd rolled DC

Crazy Luke Williams executes a MOUTH-RIPPER….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 7 points.

Mad Dog Boyd attempts to defend against MOUTH-RIPPER but is unsuccessful.

Mad Dog Boyd scores 2 points.

Mad Dog Boyd tags out to Tiger Conway Jr

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled DC

Crazy Luke Williams executes a BODYSLAM ON CONCRETE….

Tiger Conway Jr attempts to defend against BODYSLAM ON CONCRETE but is unsuccessful.

Tiger Conway Jr scores 2 points.

Tiger Conway Jr is on the outside.  The ref begins the count.


Tiger Conway Jr makes it back into the ring at the 6 count.

Crazy Luke Williams scores 6 points.

Crazy Luke Williams tags out to Maniac Butch Miller

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

Maniac Butch Miller rolled DC

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a FLYING HEADBUTT….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 9 points.

Maniac Butch Miller absorbs the punishment.

Maniac Butch Miller scores 0 points.

Maniac Butch Miller tags out to Crazy Luke Williams

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a MOUTH-RIPPER….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 7 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a RIGHT HAND SLUG….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 6 points.

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled DC

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a RIGHT HAND SLUG….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 6 points.

Crazy Luke Williams absorbs the punishment.

Crazy Luke Williams scores 0 points.

Crazy Luke Williams tags out to Maniac Butch Miller

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

Maniac Butch Miller rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Maniac Butch Miller executes a NERVE PINCH….

Maniac Butch Miller scores 8 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a FRONT CHANCERY….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 6 points.

Maniac Butch Miller tags out to Crazy Luke Williams

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC/TT

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Crazy Luke Williams,  Maniac Butch Miller double teaming for 1 rounds.

Crazy Luke Williams is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a BLATANT CHOKEHOLD….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 6 points.

Maniac Butch Miller is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Maniac Butch Miller executes a TOE SMASH TO HEAD….

Maniac Butch Miller scores 7 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a DROPKICK….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 9 points.

Double teaming ends.

===== In the 8th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC/TT

Everyone in the ring for one round!!!

Crazy Luke Williams is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a WHIP INTO TURNBUCKLE….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 9 points.

Maniac Butch Miller is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Maniac Butch Miller executes a BOSTON CRAB….

Maniac Butch Miller scores 9 points.

Mad Dog Boyd is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Mad Dog Boyd executes a ELBOW SMASH….

Mad Dog Boyd scores 6 points.

Tiger Conway Jr is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a HIP TOSS….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 5 points.

Double teaming ends.

===== In the 9th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a SMASH WITH FLAG POLE….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 12 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a DROPKICK….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 9 points.

===== In the 10th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled DC

Tiger Conway Jr rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Crazy Luke Williams rolled DC

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC/TT

Mad Dog Boyd,  Tiger Conway Jr double teaming for 1 rounds.

Mad Dog Boyd is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Mad Dog Boyd executes a FOREARM SMASHES….

Tiger Conway Jr is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a HIP TOSS….

Mad Dog Boyd scores 0 points.

Tiger Conway Jr scores 0 points.

Crazy Luke Williams neutralizes Double Teaming..

Crazy Luke Williams scores 4 points.

Double teaming ends.

===== In the 11th minute of the match: =====

Crazy Luke Williams rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a MOUTH-RIPPER….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 7 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a DROPKICK….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 9 points.

Crazy Luke Williams tags out to Maniac Butch Miller

===== In the 12th minute of the match: =====

Maniac Butch Miller rolled OC/TT

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC/TT

Everyone in the ring for one round!!!

Crazy Luke Williams is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Crazy Luke Williams executes a MOUTH-RIPPER….

Crazy Luke Williams scores 7 points.

Maniac Butch Miller is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Maniac Butch Miller executes a BLATANT CHOKE….

Maniac Butch Miller scores 6 points.

Mad Dog Boyd is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Mad Dog Boyd executes a COCO BUTT….

Mad Dog Boyd scores 9 points.

Tiger Conway Jr is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a FRONT CHANCERY….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 6 points.

Double teaming ends.

===== In the 13th minute of the match: =====

Maniac Butch Miller rolled OC.

Tiger Conway Jr rolled OC.

Maniac Butch Miller executes a CAMEL CLUTCH….

Maniac Butch Miller scores 12 points.

Tiger Conway Jr executes a MONKEY FLIP….

Tiger Conway Jr scores 7 points.

Maniac Butch Miller is attempting a pin!!!


Tiger Conway Jr was pinned by Maniac Butch Miller!!!


Commercial break and then back to the ring for our next bout.

MARK CALLOUS destroys Wendell Cooley in 3 minutes forcing another Devil’s Lock submission.

Callous and Pringle head to the announce position.

Stack: Another impressive win for your man tonight Percy.

Pringle: Impressive is all he does Stack. It doesn’t matter who steps into the ring with this man, he has the tools and the determination to beat them all. He’s still undefeated and we’ve decided to focus those tools and determination on one man…EL SANTO. Mark Callous will be the Southwest Heavyweight champion. Right now it’s not a matter of if…only when.

Commercial break and then back to the ring for more tag team action.



With Aerostar incapacitated by the Bionic Claw, the heels turn their attention to Kendall Windham. Windham fights valiantly, but when Sam Houston joins the attack, the numbers game gets to be too much.

Windham is laid out and the dastardly trio continues to put the boots to him.

Then another man joins the battle and the crowd is on their feet.


The heels beat a hasty retreat when the Funker starts swinging a chair like a madman.

Funk checks on Windham and Aerostar as we head to commercial.

When we come back its time for our television main event.

THE SHEIK v. BUGSY MCGRAW (Brass Knucks Title – 30 min time limit)

McGraw’s forehead is still bandaged from last week’s attack, but he looks game.

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

The Sheik rolled OC.

Bugsy McGraw rolled OC.

The Sheik executes a THROW OUT OF RING….

Bugsy McGraw executes a Eye Rake….

Bugsy McGraw scores 7 points.

The Sheik scores 11 points.

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

The Sheik rolled OC.

Bugsy McGraw rolled OC.

The Sheik executes a KNEE TO GROIN ….

The Sheik scores 6 points.

Bugsy McGraw executes a Kick To Groin….

Bugsy McGraw scores 6 points.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

The Sheik rolled DC

Bugsy McGraw rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

The Sheik rolled OC.

Bugsy McGraw rolled OC/TT


The Sheik scores 16 points.

Bugsy McGraw executes a Blatant Choke….

Bugsy McGraw scores 9 points.

Bugsy McGraw straps in the Blatant Choke.

The Sheik submits!!!


When we come back, Stack is standing by.

Stack: Fans, big news to announce here tonight. On Friday, October 15, the SPW World Heavyweight Title will be defended here in San Antonio. The current champion, Triple H, will defend against an opponent to be named in the coming weeks.

As if on cue, Chick Donovan enters the frame.

Donovan: Look no further Stack. Mr. Television Time Remaining is here.

Stack: Are we still doing this? You lost last week in your title match.

Donovan: I was sneak attacked by that bearded ruffian, McGraw. No, Mr. TVTR, is a finely tuned machine, not some back alley brawler. The officials here in SWCW have the opportunity to do what is right and name me as the challenger for the world title.

Stack: You?

Donovan: Who else brings what I do to the table Stack?

Stack: I’m not sure.

Donovan: Exactly!

Donovan heads for the ring.

Stack: Let’s head to the ring for our first standby match.

CHICK DONOVAN and EL GRAN APOLLO wrestle to a 9 minute draw.


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