SWCW – 1/27/23

From the Junction in San Antonio

Steve Stack is your announcer.

Opening credits then we go to Stack.

Stack: Fans, welcome to the most exciting program on television, Southwest Championship Wrestling. Tonight’s going to be one for the history books. Dory Funk Jr wanted better competition and tonight he gets that in the form of the youngster, Brian “Crush” Adams. And, in tonight’s main event, “Boogie Woogie Man” Jimmy Valiant will defend the SWCW title against the challenge of Jake “The Snake” Roberts.

Let’s go to the ring.

THE GRAPPLERS def Los Brazos @ 18 when the Grappler locks Brazo del Oro in a Boston Crab.

Commercial break and back to the ring

GINO HERNANDEZ def Edcar Thomas @ 19 with a standing guillotine

After the match, the Handsome Half-Breed jaws with the crowd into the commercial break.

When we come back, Stack has company.

Stack: Percy, I understand you asked for this time.

Pringle: You are correct Stack. With my son in dental school and Mark defending the SPW World Title around the globe, I’ve found myself with some time on my hands. That’s why I went out and signed another top flight talent to the Pringle Dynasty.

Feast your eyes on…HERCULES HERNANDEZ!

Pringle: Good for me. Bad for everyone else!

Pringle leads his new charge to the ring.

HERCULES HERNANDEZ def Pat Rose @ 6 via full nelson

Commercial break and then back to the ring for our first title match of the evening.

BRIAN “CRUSH” ADAMS v. DORY FUNK JR (Television Title – 15 min time limit)

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled DC

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Headbutt….

Crush scores 7 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a DBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX….

Dory Funk Jr scores 10 points.

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker….

Crush scores 9 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a DBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX….

Dory Funk Jr scores 10 points.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Chokeslam….

Dory Funk Jr executes a SIDE SUPLAY….

Crush scores 10 points.

Dory Funk Jr scores 9 points.

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Crush executes a Fireman Carry DDT….

Dory Funk Jr reverses Fireman Carry DDT!

Dory Funk Jr executes a KNEEDROP….

Dory Funk Jr scores 6 points.

Crush attempts to defend against KNEEDROP but is unsuccessful.

Crush scores 2 points.

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC.

Crush executes a Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker….

Crush scores 9 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a KNEEDROP….

Dory Funk Jr scores 6 points.

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Gorilla Press Gutbuster….

Crush scores 8 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a BODYSLAM….

Dory Funk Jr scores 8 points.

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Crush executes a Piledriver….

Crush scores 7 points.

Dory Funk Jr attempts to defend against Piledriver but is unsuccessful.

Dory Funk Jr scores 2 points.

===== In the 8th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Crush executes a Forearm Smash….

Crush scores 6 points.

Dory Funk Jr attempts to defend against Forearm Smash but is unsuccessful.

Dory Funk Jr scores 2 points.

===== In the 9th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Heart Punch….

Dory Funk Jr executes a DBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX….

Crush scores 9 points.

Dory Funk Jr scores 10 points.

===== In the 10th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC.

Crush executes a Headbutt….

Crush scores 7 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a KNEEDROP….

Dory Funk Jr scores 6 points.

===== In the 11th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC/TT

Crush executes a Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker….

Crush scores 9 points.

Dory Funk Jr executes a KNEEDROP….

Dory Funk Jr scores 6 points.

===== In the 12th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled DC

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Crush rolled DC

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr executes a SIDE SUPLAY….

Dory Funk Jr scores 9 points.

Crush attempts to defend against SIDE SUPLAY but is unsuccessful.

Crush scores 2 points.

===== In the 13th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled DC

Crush executes a Headbutt….

Crush scores 7 points.

Dory Funk Jr attempts to defend against Headbutt but is unsuccessful.

Dory Funk Jr scores 2 points.

===== In the 14th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled DC

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr executes a ROLLING REVERSE….

Dory Funk Jr scores 5 points.

Crush absorbs the punishment.

Crush scores 0 points.

===== In the 15th minute of the match: =====

Crush rolled OC.

Dory Funk Jr rolled OC.

Crush executes a Chokeslam….

Dory Funk Jr executes a PILEDRIVER….

Crush scores 10 points.

Dory Funk Jr scores 9 points.

Crush is attempting a pin!!!


Time has expired.


Commercial break.

When we come back, Stack is joined by Dory.

Stack: Dory…

Funk grabs the mic.

Funk: Blanchard! I told you last week to get me some real competition. Is this the best you’ve got? Some island boy? Look, I’m your television champion whether you like it or not. Let’s at least give these fans a match they can enjoy next week. If not, well, I’ll still be the champion.

Funk walks out of frame.

Stack: Let’s go back to the ring.

BUGSY MCGRAW def Dusty Wolfe @ 18 after slamming Wolfe into the ring post.

After the match, Bugsy continues to assault Wolfe. He begins biting his face, his beard coming away red.

A now familiar figure rushes out of the crowd.

He begins to swing his bullrope wildly, catching Bugsy across the back of the head. Uncle Bugs wobbles and the Midnight Rider drops to his back and nails him with an upper cut. Bugsy staggers into the ropes and is hit with a bionic elbow that sends him to the floor outside.

Sherri helps her main to his feet and they beat a hasty retreat.

Commercial break and then back to Stack.

Stack: Fans, before we get to tonight’s main event, I want to announce that the Midnight Rider will make his official in ring debut right here next week. We’ll also see the Sheepherders challenge the Zambuie Express for the tag team titles in a match that promises not to be for the faint of heart.

Let’s head to the ring for tonight’s television main event.

JAKE ROBERTS v. JIMMY VALIANT(w/Dark Journey) (SWCW Title – 30 min time limit)

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC/TT

Jake Roberts executes a Standing Knee Drop….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a THUMB TO FACE….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 7 points.

Jake Roberts absorbs the punishment.

Jake Roberts scores 0 points.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Gut Buster….

Jake Roberts scores 9 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant absorbs the punishment.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 0 points.

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against BODY SLAM but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Throw Out Of Ring….

Boogie Woogie Valiant absorbs the punishment.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 0 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant is on the outside.  The ref begins the count.


Boogie Woogie Valiant makes it back into the ring at the 5 count.

Jake Roberts scores 5 points.

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Bodyslam….

Boogie Woogie Valiant reverses Bodyslam!

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against BODY SLAM but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Backbreaker….

Boogie Woogie Valiant reverses Backbreaker!

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Jake Roberts reverses BODY SLAM!

Jake Roberts executes a Standing Knee Drop….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant attempts to defend against Standing Knee Drop but is unsuccessful.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 2 points.

===== In the 8th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Jake Roberts executes a Gut Buster….

Jake Roberts scores 9 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a ELBOW TO JAW….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 8 points.

===== In the 9th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a ELBOW TO JAW….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 8 points.

Jake Roberts absorbs the punishment.

Jake Roberts scores 0 points.

===== In the 10th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC/TT

Jake Roberts executes a Bodyslam….

Jake Roberts scores 8 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a SLEEPER HOLD….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 9 points.

===== In the 11th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Backbreaker….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant attempts to defend against Backbreaker but is unsuccessful.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 2 points.

===== In the 12th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC/TT

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Jake Roberts executes a Backbreaker….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a ELBOW TO JAW….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 8 points.

===== In the 13th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against BODY SLAM but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 14th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Backbreaker….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant attempts to defend against Backbreaker but is unsuccessful.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 2 points.

===== In the 15th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC/TT

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC/TT

Jake Roberts executes a Backbreaker….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a THUMB TO FACE….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 7 points.

===== In the 16th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a ELBOW TO JAW….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 8 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against ELBOW TO JAW but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 17th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a SMASH TO TURNBUCKLE….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 9 points.

Jake Roberts absorbs the punishment.

Jake Roberts scores 0 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant is attempting a pin!!!


Jake Roberts kicks out of the pin!

Boogie Woogie Valiant gets 0 points for the pin attempt.

===== In the 18th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Standing Knee Drop….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant attempts to defend against Standing Knee Drop but is unsuccessful.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 2 points.

===== In the 19th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Jake Roberts executes a DDT….

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a THUMB TO FACE….

Jake Roberts scores 12 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 7 points.

===== In the 20th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Standing Knee Drop….

Jake Roberts scores 7 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant absorbs the punishment.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 0 points.

===== In the 21st minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a SLAM INTO RINGPOST….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 7 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against SLAM INTO RINGPOST but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 22nd minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled DC

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a SLAM INTO RINGPOST….

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.

Jake Roberts attempts to defend against SLAM INTO RINGPOST but is unsuccessful.

Jake Roberts scores 2 points.

===== In the 23rd minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Jake Roberts executes a DDT….

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a THUMB TO FACE….

Jake Roberts scores 11 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 7 points.


===== In the 24th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled DC

Jake Roberts executes a Gut Buster….

Jake Roberts scores 9 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant attempts to defend against Gut Buster but is unsuccessful.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 2 points.


===== In the 25th minute of the match: =====

Jake Roberts rolled OC.

Boogie Woogie Valiant rolled OC.

Jake Roberts executes a DDT….

Boogie Woogie Valiant executes a BODY SLAM….

Jake Roberts scores 12 points.

Boogie Woogie Valiant scores 6 points.



Jake Roberts is attempting a pin!!!


Boogie Woogie Valiant was pinned by Jake Roberts!!!


A very satisfied Hernandez blows a kiss to Dark Journey and disappears into the back.

Roberts leans against the turnbuckle with the belt in his lap and an evil grin on his face.

Commercial break and back to the ring for our first standby bout.

THE BLACK FAMILY upsets The Colossal Kongs @ 15 via count out.

As the show goes off the air, Pringle can be seen berating his tag team.


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