Hollywood Wrestling – 06/26/24

(The show opens with a pre-recorded segment featuring…)

(Dario is unusually silent as he gestures to Tajiri. There is a chop and the balls begin to fly.)

(When the winning ball is drawn, Cueto shows the name to Tajiri who leaves the room.)

(Cueto pulls a phone from his coat pocket and dials.)

(We cut to the ring where our Television Champion is standing by for tonight’s opening bout.)

As Edge paces in anticipation, “REAL AMERICAN” begins to play on the Temple’s PA.

Ross: Business is about to pick up Jesse.

Ventura: I REALLY hate this guy, Ross.

(The crowd is on their feet as they await the imminent arrival of you know who. Edge is beside himself.)

(Then his opponent steps out.)

…and Edge laughs.

Did we mention Horace is dressed like this?

Ross: Give me a break!

Ventura: Come on Ross! That’s the best a Hogan has ever looked!

HORACE HOGAN v. EDGE (Hollywood Television Title – 15 min time limit)

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC/TT

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a RIGHT HAND SMASH….

Horace Hogan scores 7 points.

Edge attempts to defend against RIGHT HAND SMASH but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled DC

Edge rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Horace Hogan rolled DC

Edge rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a TURNBUCKLE SMASH….


Edge executes a Swinging Neckbreaker….

Edge scores 10 points.

Horace Hogan attempts to defend against Swinging Neckbreaker but is unsuccessful.

Horace Hogan scores 2 points.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a BIG BOOT….

Horace Hogan scores 8 points.

Edge attempts to defend against BIG BOOT but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a FULL NELSON SLAM….

Edge executes a Dropkick….

Horace Hogan scores 9 points.

Edge scores 8 points.

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a BULLDOG….

Horace Hogan scores 5 points.

Edge executes a Inverted Sitdown Faceslam….

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a NA….

Horace Hogan scores 0 points.

Edge executes a Spear….

Edge scores 11 points.

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a SPINEBUSTER….

Edge reverses SPINEBUSTER!

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Edge scores 7 points.

Horace Hogan absorbs the punishment.

Horace Hogan scores 0 points.

Edge is attempting a pin!!!

Horace Hogan Reverses the pin!!!

Horace Hogan is attempting a pin!!!


Edge kicks out of the pin!

Horace Hogan gets -4 points for the pin attempt.

===== In the 8th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a FULL NELSON SLAM….

Edge executes a Inverted Sitdown Faceslam….

Horace Hogan scores 10 points.

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 9th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Dropkick….

Edge scores 8 points.

Horace Hogan absorbs the punishment.

Horace Hogan scores 0 points.

===== In the 10th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a BULLDOG….

Horace Hogan scores 5 points.

Edge absorbs the punishment.

Edge scores 0 points.

===== In the 11th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a SPLASH IN CORNER….

Horace Hogan scores 10 points.

Edge executes a Sitout Powerbomb….

Edge scores 8 points.

===== In the 12th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

Horace Hogan executes a BIG BOOT….

Horace Hogan scores 8 points.

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 13th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a BIG BOOT….

Horace Hogan scores 8 points.

Edge attempts to defend against BIG BOOT but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 14th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

Horace Hogan executes a RIGHT HAND SMASH….

Horace Hogan scores 7 points.

Edge attempts to defend against RIGHT HAND SMASH but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 15th minute of the match: =====

Horace Hogan rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC/TT

Horace Hogan executes a FULL NELSON SLAM….

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Horace Hogan scores 10 points.

Edge scores 7 points.



(Before Edge can properly celebrate…do you celebrate drawing with Horace Hogan…he is interrupted by El Jefe.)

Cueto: Congratulations on yet another thrilling draw, Edge! I have to say, I was very excited when you won my television title. Now? Every week is just another boring rerun. So far you’ve defended the title four times and you have yet to pin your opponent. I’m starting to wonder if you are even capable of that anymore.

Edge: I can beat any man on the roster if you give me more than 15 minutes.

Cueto: I’m so glad you said that, because on July 4, at the historic Hollywood Bowl, I’m going to give you an hour and the opportunity to defend your title, and quite frankly, your honor, as you will defend against all of the men you’ve drawn with to date. That’s right…you will face The Big Show, Kamala and Horace Hogan in a four-way dance with the title on the line!

(Edge is furious. Cueto is quite amused.)

(Commercial break and then back to the ring.)

THE GODFATHER (accompanied by the Ho Train) def Van Hammer @ 9 via Ho Train Splash.

(Cut to your announcers)

Ross: Fans, as Dario Cueto mentioned earlier, we have a huge show next week at the Hollywood Bowl. That show will be headlined by Ric Flair defending the SPW World Title against the Final Boss, The Rock.

Ventura: I gotta say I don’t like Slick Ric’s chances JR.

Ross: You can never count out the dirtiest player in the game.

Ventura: Don’t sell the Great One short, Ross.

Ross: During the commercial break, we were told that later tonight, we will see the Americas tag team titles defended as the Von Erichs will challenge our defending champions, the unorthodox team of Goldust & Kamala.

Ventura: I can’t wait to see Goldust get his hands on those milquetoast Von Erichs.

Ross: Let’s head back to the ring for tag team action.

THE MANSON FAMILY (SETH ROLLINS & ERICK ROWAN) def the West Hollywood Blondes @ 20 when Seth Rollins pins Lodi after a swinging neckbreaker.

(Commercial break and we come back with Brother Love’s Salvation Show.)

Brother Love: Good evening brothers and sisters! I LOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU!


Brother Love: I am joined tonight by wrestling royalty. He is a third generation wrestler and the industry’s biggest nepo-baby…CHAVO GUERRERO JR.

Brother Love: Chavo, a couple of week’s ago you interjected yourself into the business of Bugsy McGraw…

(Chavo grabs the mic.)

Chavo: The name Guerrero is synonymous with Hollywood Wrestling. My family has wrestled here for years.

(The crowd…cheers(?)…Chavo.)

Chavo: I’m not about to let a blowhard like Bugsy McGraw make a name for himself at the expense of others. You want to prove how tough you are, “Mr. Grand Slam”? How about me and you on July 4 at the Hollywood Bowl. Don’t forget to bring Sherri with you. I know you need her skirt to hide behind.

(Cut to commercial and then back to the ring for our television main event.)

THE VON ERICHS v. GOLDUST & KAMALA (w/ Marlena) (Americas Tag Team Titles – 30 min time limit)

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

David Von Erich rolled DC

Goldust rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

David Von Erich rolled DC

Goldust rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

David Von Erich rolled DC

Goldust rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

David Von Erich rolled DC

Goldust rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

David Von Erich rolled OC.

Goldust rolled DC

David Von Erich executes a Front Slam….

David Von Erich scores 7 points.

Goldust attempts to defend against Front Slam but is unsuccessful.

Goldust scores 2 points.

Goldust tags out to Kamala

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

David Von Erich rolled OC/TT

Kamala rolled DC

David Von Erich,  Kevin Von Erich double teaming for 2 rounds.

David Von Erich is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

David Von Erich executes a Brain Claw….

Kevin Von Erich is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Kevin Von Erich executes a HIGH FLYING DROPKICKS….

David Von Erich scores 10 points.

Kevin Von Erich scores 7 points.

Kamala absorbs the punishment.

Kamala scores 0 points.

David Von Erich, Kevin Von Erich are double teaming for 1 more rounds.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

David Von Erich rolled DC

Kevin Von Erich rolled OC.

Kamala rolled DC

David Von Erich is a defensive (DC) double teamer.

David Von Erich does nothing for the round.

David Von Erich scores 0 points.

Kevin Von Erich is a offensive (OC) double teamer.

Kevin Von Erich executes a TUMBLE ROLL-UP….

David Von Erich scores 0 points.

Kevin Von Erich scores 8 points.

Kamala attempts to defend against Double Teaming. but is unsuccessful.

Kamala scores 2 points.

Double teaming ends.

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

David Von Erich rolled OC.

Kamala rolled DC

David Von Erich executes a Abdominal Stretch….

David Von Erich scores 6 points.

Kamala absorbs the punishment.

Kamala scores 0 points.

David Von Erich straps in the Abdominal Stretch.

Kamala does not submit!

David Von Erich tags out to Kevin Von Erich

Kamala tags out to Goldust

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

Kevin Von Erich rolled OC.

Goldust rolled DC

Kevin Von Erich executes a WINDING HEAD SMASH….

Kevin Von Erich scores 9 points.

Goldust absorbs the punishment.

Goldust scores 0 points.

Goldust tags out to Kamala

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

Kevin Von Erich rolled OC.

Kamala rolled OC.

Kevin Von Erich executes a WINDING HEAD SMASH….

Kevin Von Erich scores 9 points.

Kamala executes a RUNNING BODY SMASH….

Kamala scores 8 points.

Kamala tags out to Goldust

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

Kevin Von Erich rolled OC.

Goldust rolled OC.

Kevin Von Erich executes a TUMBLE ROLL-UP….

Goldust executes a SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW….

Kevin Von Erich scores 8 points.

Goldust scores 6 points.

Kevin Von Erich is attempting a pin!!!


Goldust was pinned by Kevin Von Erich!!!


(The crowd goes wild as the Von Erichs are handed the title belts.)

Ross: We have new champions!

Ventura: That’s a travesty of justice Ross!

Ross: They beat the champions fair and square.

Ventura: Von Erich had a handful of tights!

Ross: I don’t think we were watching the same match, Body.

Ventura: Clearly!

(Commercial break and back to the ring for our first standby bout.)

NORD THE BARBARIAN and ARGENIS wrestle to a 9 minute draw.

(As the show ends, Nord has Argenis in a bearhug and is squeezing the life out of him.)



  • LORD HUMONGOUS def The Demon @15
  • THE GOODFELLAS def the Beverly Brothers @ 14
  • THE BIG SHOW wrestles to a time limit draw with PAUL LONDON

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