Hollywood Wrestling – 06/26/24

(The show opens with a pre-recorded segment featuring…)

(Dario is unusually silent as he gestures to Tajiri. There is a chop and the balls begin to fly.)

(When the winning ball is drawn, Cueto shows the name to Tajiri who leaves the room.)

(Cueto pulls a phone from his coat pocket and dials.)

Continue reading “Hollywood Wrestling – 06/26/24”

Hollywood Wrestling – 06/10/24 – Second Time is the Charm

(The show opens with an exterior shot of the Temple then we zoom in directly to the ring where “Grand Slam” Bugsy McGraw is waiting with his old lady. The are greeted with boos.)

McGraw: I made it very clear last week that I was not going to be ignored around here. I made an open challenge and left a signed contract with Cueto. Who is gonna be man enough to step into the ring with Grand Slam?

(There is a brief pause and an unexpected wrestler answers the challenge.)

(The crowd cheers)

Miz: Bugsy, you old fart, I made my bones in Hollywood. This ain’t some backwoods Bingo Hall. This is the Real World. My name is the Miz…I’m awesome…and I accept.

Miz rushes the ring and the bell sounds.

Unfortunately for him, the match is totally one-sided.

BUGSY MCGRAW def the Miz @ 7 after multiple splashes.

Bugsy takes his bat from Sherri and begins to work Miz over. The attack is broken up when this guy…

…hits the ring with a steel chair and clears out Bugsy and Sherri.

(Cut to our new announce team.)

Ross: Fans, welcome to Hollywood Wrestling. What an unexpected way to start tonight’s program.

Ventura: You mean Bugsy doing what Bugsy does, or Chavo leaving the taco truck to make the save?

Ross: Easy Jesse. We don’t want to get any complaints.

Ventura: Man up, Ross. This is Hollywood.

Ross: Fans, we’ve got much more exciting action to get to yet this evening. The Beverly Brothers will face the West Hollywood Blondes in tag team action.

Ventura: Los Angeles in a microcosm.

Ross: And we will our Hollywood Television champion, Edge, his title against a yet unnamed opponent.

Ventura: The Hollywood Television champion has to be ready for anything, just like I was as a Navy Seal.

Ross: Let’s head back to the ring for our next match.


Its a clash of styles and lifestyles as these two very different teams face off. There are several near falls that are broken up before the three. In the end, neither team is able to pick up the victory as the bell rings.


(Cut to the office of Dario Cueto. He is standing by with his manservant, Tajiri, and a new lotto ball machine.)

Cueto: It is time once again for the winds of fate to determine who will get the opportunity to challenge for the Hollywood Television Title. Tajiri…THE BUTTON!

(Tajiri stabs a button on the machine and the balls fly. One ball makes its way out of the hopper and Tajiri hands it to Cueto.)

(Cueto consults a chart on his computer and smirks.)

Cueto: It seems that fate smiles on some more than others. This week’s challenger is, once again, THE BIG SHOW!

(Commercial. When we come back, it’s time for Brother Love’s SALVATION SHOW.

Brother Love: Hello Hollywood…I LOVE YOU!


Brother Love: Please welcome to the Salvation Show, YOUR champion, the FINAL BOSS, THE ROOOOOOCK!

(The crowds boos madly as the Great One enters the frame.)

Brother Love: Welcome Brother Rock. WELCOME!

Rock: Thank you. It’s nice to be in the presence of a man of integrity such as yourself. Now, if all you Hollywood wannabes will just shut your damn mouths…

(More boos. The Rock waits)

Rock: That’s right…get it out of your systems.

(More boos)

Rock: Earlier this week it was announced that the SPW World Champion, that hawk-beaked jabroni, Ric Flair, is going to be in Hollywood to defend his title in July. Now, I had a chat with my close personal friend, Dario Cueto, and we decided that it is only right that Flair have to face the final boss when he “struts” into Hollywood.

So, guess what Flair, you take fly that airplane, you ride in that limousine, steal some kisses and deal some wheels on your way out here, but, brother when set foot in Hollywood that is the home of the final boss.

Flair, I’m gonna hit you so hard you’ll be wishing you were still hiding out from real competition up in Canada…eh!

Oh, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about you Batista. You’re just gonna have to wait your turn. I have bigger fish to fry.

That being said, if you show up here next week, The Rock promises to have a special surprise just for you.

(The Rock soaks up the boos.)

(Commercial and back to the ring for our television main event.)

EDGE v BIG SHOW (Hollywood Television Title – 15 min time limit)

Referee is ‘Honest’ Abe (+0)

===== In the 1st minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC/TT

Edge rolled DC

The Big Show executes a OPEN-HANDED CHOP TO CHEST….

The Big Show scores 6 points.

Edge absorbs the punishment.

Edge scores 0 points.

===== In the 2nd minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

The Big Show executes a W.M.D. KNOCKOUT HOOK….

The Big Show scores 10 points.

Edge attempts to defend against W.M.D. KNOCKOUT HOOK but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 3rd minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Edge scores 7 points.

The Big Show attempts to defend against Clothesline but is unsuccessful.

The Big Show scores 2 points.

===== In the 4th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Edge scores 0 points.

The Big Show neutralizes Clothesline.

The Big Show scores 4 points.

===== In the 5th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled DC

The Big Show executes a VERTICAL SUPLEX….

The Big Show scores 8 points.

Edge attempts to defend against VERTICAL SUPLEX but is unsuccessful.

Edge scores 2 points.

===== In the 6th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Vertical Suplex….

Edge scores 6 points.

The Big Show attempts to defend against Vertical Suplex but is unsuccessful.

The Big Show scores 2 points.

===== In the 7th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC/TT

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a HEADBUTT….

The Big Show scores 7 points.

Edge executes a Vertical Suplex….

Edge scores 6 points.

===== In the 8th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC/TT

Edge rolled OC/TT

The Big Show executes a SIDEWALK SLAM….

The Big Show scores 8 points.

Edge executes a Inverted Sitdown Faceslam….

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 9th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a BEARHUG….

The Big Show scores 8 points.

Edge executes a Inverted Sitdown Faceslam….

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 10th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a BIG BOOT….

The Big Show scores 7 points.

Edge executes a Edgecution….

Edge scores 10 points.

Edge is attempting a pin!!!


The Big Show kicks out of the pin!

Edge gets -6 points for the pin attempt.

===== In the 11th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled DC

Both Men in rolled DC

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a VERTICAL SUPLEX….

The Big Show scores 8 points.

Edge executes a Clothesline….

Edge scores 7 points.

===== In the 12th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a W.M.D. KNOCKOUT HOOK….

Edge executes a Downward Spiral….

The Big Show scores 11 points.

Edge scores 9 points.

The Big Show is attempting a pin!!!


Edge kicks out of the pin!

The Big Show gets -7 points for the pin attempt.

===== In the 13th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled OC.

Edge rolled OC.

The Big Show executes a MILITARY PRESS SLAM….

The Big Show scores 9 points.

Edge executes a Vertical Suplex….

Edge scores 6 points.

===== In the 14th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Sitout Powerbomb….

Edge scores 8 points.

The Big Show absorbs the punishment.

The Big Show scores 0 points.

===== In the 15th minute of the match: =====

The Big Show rolled DC

Edge rolled OC.

Edge executes a Spear….

Edge scores 11 points.

The Big Show attempts to defend against Spear but is unsuccessful.

The Big Show scores 2 points.

After 15 minutes, the match is declared a draw.


(After the match, Edge addresses the crowd)

Edge: I keep hearing Cactus Jack talking about how I cheated him out of this belt. Newsflash Cactus…I won…you lost. End of story. Maybe..eventually…Dario will pull your number, but until then, you and your little “family” had better stay out of my business. You don’t want to match sick with me Cactus. It won’t end well.

(Crowd cheers)

(Commercial break and we come back for our first standby match)

TAJIRI and ARGENIS wrestle to an 8 minute television time remaining draw.

(As the credits begin to roll, there is a burst of static and then this face appears)


(More static and the credits finish)



  • BUZZ SAWYER def Van Hammer @ 6
  • THE MANSON FAMILY (Rowan & Rollins) def Team Gordy @ 6
  • NORD THE BARBARIAN def Gillberg @ 14